Living with the Holy Spirit as your guide ~ begin each day with the Holy Spirit at your side. Ask Him to walk with you, think with you, be with you, guide you. Give Him a special name. I call upon my friend, Holy every day. "Holy," I say, "help me find the right words," or "Holy, guide me to the right people," or "Holy, help me to make the right decision." It's amazing when you let the Holy Spirit be your guide! Try it ... you have nothing to lose (and everything to gain)!
Think about it ~ It isn't easy to put others before ourselves, but I always ask myself this question: "What if it were me?"
What will you do today? "Charity begins today. Today somebody is suffering, today somebody is in the street, today somebody is hungry. Our work is for today, yesterday has gone, tomorrow has not yet come - today we have only today to make Jesus known, loved, served, fed, clothed, sheltered. Today - do not wait for for tomorrow. Tomorrow might not come. Tomorrow we will not have them if we do not feed them today." ~ Bl. Mother Teresa
Here's what other teens are saying ...
"I think a color named after me would be really cool." ~ Kristen
"I would like a university named after me." ~ David
"I think it would be neat to have a fabulous make-up collection with my name on it consisting of bright eye-catching colors." ~ Faith
"If I were to have something named after me, it would be a baseball field." ~ Ryan
“Your stories inspire me to keep going in life even when things get hard.” ~ Kristen
“Your sincerity and compassion for others was truly inspirational. I really want to try to take your advice to let the Holy Spirit work through me! ~ Tom
“My favorite part of your story was the seahorse story. Another one of my favorite parts was the foot and hand trick!” ~ Madeline
“I really enjoyed hearing your stories about God showing His signs to people and just watching you passionately talk about Him. I hope that one day God will want to show me a sign and change me the way He changed you when He showed you yours.” ~ Faith
“One thing that you talked about was how you made an effort to be nice to that girl who was an outcast at your school. That really spoke to me because I often see people that are loners and seem like they need a friend. I’m never brave enough to actually approach them, but your speech inspired me to try and make a difference in someone’s life.” ~ Samantha
“Please continue telling your stories to high school students around the area!” ~ Rebecca
“I thoroughly enjoyed listening to you. I can really relate to how you said that some people are different, but in a good way. I think I can see some of that in myself as well as some other people around me. I hope that by hearing your story I will be inspired to do good with my life in the future.” ~ Ray
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